Streck dich himmelwärts zum Boden

Stretch yourself skyward to the ground - Six excursions ʻto a past performanceʼ
you came into the world / / free as a child / / old as a tree

something is in you / / take off / / you can trust me
in your world - the nature comes to you too

come, let go / / not waiting for it
more than you think / / can happen to you
travel to the heart / / just anyway
with different eyes / / we only have to inspect the breaks

Note: The tension as emotional expression of the body - a barometer of the extra class. Each energetic and rhythmic change in the room is visible as body tension.

I dance with my shadow on the wall together in the weighing step into the darkness of the room. Always separated, but still a couple. The single-celled organisms spread its fragrance. The threads of history weave new networks. A network same as angel hair, meets the electrified strings of an electric guitar. It's dawn. Tomorrow! Heat radiates from the interior of the night. Ground chalk in pastel shades covered the black planks of the boat dock. The sea does not sound very long time. Silence is all about. No breath of wind perceived. The time stops and I live. In the here and now is heard only one thing - my own voice. Not recordable, yet loud. The sonorous sound of a condition which promises home. Everywhere I can hear him is my home. If the noise begins I am quite calm. Each step, every action is a calligraphy-like drawing - without a safety net. Oh dear moment linger yet! “Tanze mit mir in den Morgen // mach ich // mach ich” (Nina Hagen)

Note: A repetition is not possible. Now and only now this movement is possible - at this moment and in this environment. We will never be able to meet again in the same composition on all levels.

My fingers move slowly. Delicate they feel for the space. In the extension of my arms, looking for a bit of freedom. The airspace as a to be shaped sculpture. Modeled from the inside out, like a cave, and only from there experience.

Note: Art is communication. The contact with the audience always as a band of presence should never tear down. Art is sharing.

Characters on faded black walls. Forms blur, the interior is outer space and dream-scape equally. I tried to clean the walls, but traces remained. More and more, drawn from life, we are trained as trackers of our own tracks. We find the strength within us. Resting, radiation and let things just be, but without loss of activity.

Note: From time to time, install a change of perspective in the action to prevent the inertia. You can not get hold of the world, if you look only one-dimensional.

The interior of the shell and yet present to the outside.The shape and the emergence of forms formulated as a question. How is a form designed? How does a form function? How is the form installed in the reception, perception? What, if not this form?

Note: There are no obstacles to find - only opportunities, new ways and solutions.

The contemplation of things, the environment and the individual. "It is hard to smile like a bear" ... I found this sentence in my notebook. Can not remember if it was a quotation from someone else, or just one typical thought of myself. My eyes are relaxed, not openly but also not closed. A relaxed view of things that happen. A little distance but no real distance. Just one breath away from the new moment.

With a 'Breathing eye' (Andrea Morein) listen into the phenomena and in the same way, reflect and analyze it.

Photos: private